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Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 2:15 am
by Muppet Man
Soundtrack wrote:Well, I was there and I saw what you did//I saw it with my own two eyes//So you can wipe off that grin, I know where you've been//It's all been a pack of lies.
TIME STAMP wrote: //Location:Tacoma/Seattle Metroplex/UCAS
//Time: <2238:00/2075-01-05> Combat Over
//Weather: <Heavy Downpour, 5.6C, Wind SE 22kph, feels like 0C>
//Air Quality: <Moderate (Yellow), Precipitation pH 3>
Time passes slowly as everyone analyzes and over analyzes the situation. And that crazy asynchronous feeling when things are tense. Who did what first? Perhaps reviewing the recording would help sort out the temporal sequencing.

However, the net result at the end of the moment is:
Bushwhack made an observation and found a weak point in the security. Not bad for a troll if you want to play to stereotypes.

Tulpa and Shrike act on Bushwack's suggestion. Shrike gracefully swings his way over to the other side of the wall around the corner with the gangplank. It's pure parkour genius. Tulpa follows, much less gracefully but with just as much not falling and not dying. And, both of them time their acrobatics to avoid the outward facing cameras. Good on them! They're inside.

With the example set, Wraith and Mulpa should be able to successfully perform the
Acrobatics or similar roll with 1 net success is enough to make the jump, Sneak with 1 net success is enough to avoid the camera
r. Emphasis on "should", nothing is the modern world is a sure thing. Sarge and Bushwack are of the larger persuasion and it will be
-1 dice pool to acrobatics or similar roll

Inside the wall, Shrike and Tupla both note a large dog walking away from them (Shrike and Tulpa are at the southwest, or bottom left corner of the compound) . It turns the corner to the right around the northern most stack of cargo containers (the bluish one). To Shrike it's a big dog, but Tulpa noticed that it's a big dog with red eyes.

Oh, and for Tulpa: the ghost is gone, dropped off with no traces (like any good decker would do, right?). As for the looted commlink Tulpa gets in at least as a basic user and can read the last message viewed. It is vague instructions on kidnapping and probably murdering the pregnant ork woman. More digging would probably reveal where the message came from.

At this point in time, the rest of the team is "

We are not in combat time, so things are flexible. If you want your character to do something, don't worry about being specifically timed. Call out how you'd like it to go and we'll all figure out how to make a good narrative!
" behind Tulpa and Shrike.


What do you do now?

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:32 am
by Bushwack
Bushwack also times his approach for the jump when the camera is turned away.
OOC Comments
Sneak: 11d6: [ 4 1 4 3 4 3 6 3 6 3 1 ] = 38
With more grace that would be escaped from his frame he makes the jump
OOC Comments
13d6: [ 2 4 4 4 2 4 5 4 6 2 5 2 4 ] = 48
He then moves up the plank so his weight is completely on the quay and bends his knee t he extends his right arm one meter and a half above the plank. Sarge now has sturdy long troll arm as a safety rail and has less risk of overjumping because Bushwack can hold and grab him when he makes the jump.
OOC Comments
Teamwork teast 13d6: [ 4 4 5 1 6 5 5 2 3 6 3 4 2 ] = 50 (if I can be leader I can add 3 dice highest linked attribute, If I cannot be leader my assistance is futile because I think Sarge doesnt have the skill

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:14 pm
by Mulpa
Like this is just another day, Mulpa times the
Stealth of 8 Dice so buying 2 Successes
movements for his trip around the corner with the gang plank and a
Gymnastics of 10 dice (Tumbling 12 dice) so buying 2 (or 3) successes
with a rolling landing around his toolkit. Rolling up to his feet, the Dwarf brushes some dirt he picked up off his coveralls and walks around as if he is here for a job.

*On comms* "I am in. Tulpa, Shrike... have you seen the contact or anything that we should keep an eye out for? I will move the gangplank over and find something in my
Hardware toolkit
  • Hardware 4 dice so buying 1 Success, if able.
to help secure this down... as well as use myself as a counterweight."

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:22 am
by Wraith
Location: South of target Warehouse Complex, Tacoma, Seattle Metroplex
Condition: Lightly bruised (3 stun, -1CM)

With a new option on the table, Wraith holsters her Guardian then gives her kit one more quick check, while watching the others make their way around the SW corner. Not hearing any obvious alarms, the foxelf will follow after Tulpa and Shrike - with her agility, she finds navigating the jumps while avoiding the cameras to be surprisingly easy.

Once inside the compound Wraith moves to join the other two, all the while keeping an ear (well, two ears) out for trouble. The timing of her own movements has her missing the dog moving around the shipping container, so once under cover she re-activates the sub-vocal mic.

"Any eyes on the guard animals?"

OOC Comments
Can buy two successes on the Gymnastics and Stealth rolls. Looking at the map, there doesn't appear to be a lot of cover - are there any smaller boxes around, or is it as bare as it looks on the map? Wraith will use her small size as best she can for hiding purposes. Let me know if I can add a stealth check?

Active Perception Check in the meanwhile
Standard (9D):
Visual (11D):
Audio (11D):
Smell (11D):

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:30 pm
by Tulpa
Mulpa wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:14 pm*On comms* "I am in. Tulpa, Shrike... have you seen the contact or anything that we should keep an eye out for? I will move the gangplank over and find something in my
Hardware toolkit
  • Hardware 4 dice so buying 1 Success, if able.
to help secure this down... as well as use myself as a counterweight."
”No sing yet. I am going to find a data node. Stay quiet and Stay in touch. This place is not that large.” We already had our hiccup for the run. Nothing else will go wrong. Nothing else will go wrong. ”Nothing else will go wrong.” Tulpa murmurs under his breath.
Looking to shrike, Tulpa will motion to the waterfront. ”Im going to make my way down the side and try to find a hardline.” He will then bend low and stuff his gear into his messenger bag, staying low as she skirts the side of the container yard. When he gets to the warehouse, he will continue to stay between it and the warehouse until he gets to the north side of the first warehouse. He should eb able to tell there are officer back there by the window placing. If he can, he will immediately start looking for any data hardlines going into the building, all the while keeping a look out for their target or any other figures. He makes special care not to alert the dog he saw, or any others he might stumble across.

: 6 Successes
: 1 Success

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 10:41 am
by Muppet Man
Soundtrack wrote:Sweet lovely death//I am waiting for your breath//Come sweet death, one last caress
TIME STAMP wrote: //Location:Tacoma/Seattle Metroplex/UCAS
//Time: <2241:00/2075-01-05> Combat Over
//Weather: <Heavy Downpour, 5.6C, Wind SE 22kph, feels like 0C>
//Air Quality: <Moderate (Yellow), Precipitation pH 3>
The rain continues to slant down and splatter onto the slick concrete inside the warehouse. Water is
-1 to sneak
, especially out on the gangplank and along the edge of dock. Salty water sprays up from the Sound, it is slick and foul smelling. The air feel much colder as the wind blows it across exposed skin and through clothing. At this point, even the toughest runners really start to curse the rain. The crashing waves against the sea wall add a whole level of white noise, but it's not too distracting. However, any conversations more than a few meters apart require loud shouting. The cloud cover seems to be more dense, it feels like the worlds ceiling is dropping lower and lower.

Bushwack coordinates and assists everyone around the end of the wall and the edge of the Sound. The gangplank provides enough of a hand-hold, but it is greasy and more slippery than anyone should be comfortable with. While the troll is getting situated Mulpa just slides right across, plopping down with nary a splash inside thew compound. Wraith lives up to her name and glides into the compound as well, flitting away from the edge of the sea wall.

Mulpa takes advantage of Bushwack's dainty size to leverage the gang plank into a more convenient position. He notes the camera positions would cover the bridge if he maneuvered it for a simple walk. He is able to maintain cover and reduce the hazard significantly, especially with the troll's oversized assistance. It also should make their escape easier, should they return this way.

Sarge and Gnat tentatively cross last and hunker down just opposite the wall.

Once inside, everyone gets a good sense of the area. The Puget Sound is crashing on the west side. Their are container cranes hovering like insects over the water. Directly in front are containers, stacked two or three high. Crane tracks criss-cross the area. They could be a trip hazard, it's a wonder that OSHA doesn't require some sort of safety warning.

Beyond the containers the warehouses are visible. According to the intel, the warehouse to the north is the admin building, and where the contact should be. For the next 20 minutes that is.

Tulpa, keeping the clock in mind it seems, sneaks off towards the warehouses, being careful to watch for the doggies. It takes a few minutes of creeping to reach the first warehouse. Up ahead he sees a large cargo door facing the water. There is probably a control panel there. Creeping a few meters more, he locates the panel. A quick check and "I think we're alone now". There is a key pad, presumably that's what's inside the locked box next to the door. If he can
Hardware 3, glitch raises alarms, failure raises alarms.
Inside is a hackable keypad!


What do you do now?

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 3:43 pm
by Shrike
Location Warehouse
Condition Fine
Wraith wrote: Fri Feb 12, 2021 5:22 am "Any eyes on the guard animals?"
Mulpa wrote: Wed Feb 10, 2021 4:14 pm *On comms* "I am in. Tulpa, Shrike... have you seen the contact or anything that we should keep an eye out for?
"We have at least one guard animal, no eyes on it currently, but north of our position behind the blue containers.
Contact is supposed to be in the building to the north. No eyes on him either."
he responds on the comms, Ingram Smartgun with silencer at the ready. Job was to be quiet and not draw any undue attention. Hopefully, the wannabe brigade was the only fly in the mix tonight.

As Tulpa starts moving up towards the building, Shrike starts to follow at a distance, trying to stay out of camera shot, trusting his chameleon suit to prevent detection from any thermal sensors.

"We need to distract the dog lest it take a bite out of Tulpa. If it spots him, put it down quickly and quietly. Anybody got anything that can do that, speak up now, else silenced weapons only, preferably non-lethal ammo."

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:59 pm
by Bushwack
"I can punch the lights out of a big doggo without shots fired, and it will be none the worse tomorrow if it receives some tender loving care from its owner tomorrow. If you think its too risky for an alpha strike I can accompany whoever wants to take a shot with non lethal ammo with a silencer as well. Both sound infinitely more up my alley then delicately removing a fusebox or making conversation with our supposed contact."

Bushwack sounds upbeat yet melancholic , must be the vintage Eddie Kendricks that is seeping in from the other channel he is listening too

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 2:01 pm
by Tulpa

Tulpa will look around jerkily as he surveys his newest obstacle. The drugs were running their full course. ”I got a lock here. Mulpa, you have a kit, yes? Mind if I borrow that for a moment?” Tulpa will try not make himself as small as possible as he waits for Mulpas reply. Don’t be suspicious. Don’t be suspicious. He fingers the gun his its holster. At the comms chatter about the dog, Tulpa gets a little more nervous. He liked dogs, most animals actually. More so than people. Having to put an animal down didn't make him feel good at all. When it came to personal survival however... Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

When Mulpa rendezvous’ with Tulpa, the Decker will get to work on the lockbox. He uses Mulpas tools with professional precision, clearly comfortable with each of the individual tools in the toolkit. He will take any advice Mulpa offers, knowing the Vory racketeers own skill set was to something to snuff at.

Hardware(+assist+edge[Push the Limit]):

:6 Successes

If He manages to open the lockbox, Tulpa will smile and pout the tools of the toolkit back in their right places. ”Now it’s time for the fun part.” He will pull out his Himitsu and spend a moment modifying the commlink. He will remove the attack dongle and attach the Cable Tap attachment. Using it to directly wire into the control panel, Tulpa will offer Mulpa a wink. ”Ide rather not come back up and find myself a chew toy.” And then initiate a full VR intrusion.

Running Silently, and with the utmost care, Tulpa will take a look around the environment he finds himself in.

: 3 successes
: 5 successes

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2021 10:49 am
by Bushwack
Bushwack walks around the compound actively hiding and sneaking the stay out sight, sound and smell of cameras, guard animals and guardsmen trying to spot them before they spot him or team mates that are forcing entry

10d6>4: [ 5 3 2 4 4 5 2 2 2 1 ] = 2

13d6>4: [ 3 1 6 3 1 4 6 3 6 6 1 4 3 ] = 4

His spurs are out as he is expecting trouble but he has not activated them as a weapon focus yet as it might attract undue astral attention and one of those dogs maybe a hellhound or worse. He has a couple of shurikens palmed in case he is forced to make a ranged attack