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Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:48 pm
by Muppet Man
Soundtrack wrote:Are you one of them girls?//That peels off the Bud-Light label//Just might run a pool table//Roll your eyes if I call you an angel
TIME STAMP wrote: //Location:Tacoma/Seattle Metroplex/UCAS
//Time: <2247:00/2075-01-05> Combat round OVER
//Weather: <Heavy Downpour, 5.6C, Wind SE 22kph, feels like 0C>
//Air Quality: <Moderate (Yellow), Precipitation pH 3>
The door swings opens outward, and Wraith pulls it open taking a defensive posture. Like a ghost, Shrike glides by, guns ready and brain alert for danger or the target. The hallway is dim, the lighting is on emergency lockdown mode. It pulses from red to white, the illumination coming from square light panels in the ceiling. There is no audible alarm in over a building PA. At a door immediately to Shrike's left, a scared looking middle aged man, probably an ork, goes wide eyed as he sees Shrike's guns. But at hearing the pass phrase, he relaxes a bit.

"I got it, I got, just a sec, okay? No worries..." he says, the pleading continues as he ducks back inside the room. Shrike can hear the clang of a heavy door opening. It only takes about 20 seconds for the guy to return with a small metal box. It's the size of a shoe box, but it looks heavy and well secured. A large metal strap across the top holds it closed with stout looking lock and hasp. It is worn and somewhat dented. He slides it across the floor, it makes it about halfway to Shrike. Without another word, the guy ducks back into his office and slams the door shut. Transaction complete.

Armchair shadowrunners and analysts will certainly debate ad nauseam whether Bushwack's screeching metal taunt was a help or a hindrance. The chicken fighting inside stopped after his annoying and earsplitting noise. There's a few moments of just a skittering noise, then two enourmous bird shaped creatures, leap into the rain through the open door way. They are south of Bushwack and Tupla. They are blocking the runners' escape.

The birds have are large, almost two meters in length, and maybe a meter to the shoulder and another meter of long feathered neck. Their heads look just like a large devil-inspired chicken. They stop short as they size up the enormous troll, not the easy prey they prefer. They are clucking (which somehow seems vicious and menacing) and skittering about while whipping their long blue tails around, like they are gauging range.

Meanwhile, Mulpa searches the bodies for loot. Every bit a professional, he is thorough but quick. It's a good thing he brought a backpack. There are many weapons, and some other very interesting items as well. His search also confirms that they are all elves. All but the big elf with the big guns seem to lack any cyberware or enhancements.

They also were dressed for stealth and carried a minimum amount of extra gear.

None of them are wholly dead. The big guy might bleed out, but the others will either be eaten by para-chickens or wake up with a really bad headache.

Mulpa takes the longest to finish his task, Shrike and Wraith gather nearby. The three of them could by pass the chicken-situation by going between the warehouses. Tulpa and Bushwack are at a momentary standoff with the flightless killer birds.
Combat ROUND 1
If ya'll want to fight the cockatrice, roll initiative. If you want to evade them, they are concerned about Bushwack's large size and are not sure attacking is a good idea, call it a survival instinct. If you want to chase them off long enough to get away roll to intimidate them or some such scary thing.

I will post the loot in another thread.

Cockatrice are just south of Tulpa and Bushwack. I'll update the map if there is a fight.

What are you doing?

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:31 am
by Mulpa
"No need for us to fight these oversized chickens. Lets get out of here, finish this run, and get paid. These chickens look like they will take care of the elves... as well as perhaps the dog corpses. I say we leave now."

Backing up to where the Elves came in, Mulpa gets ready to climb over the fence, turning off his Shock Gloves, though keeping his Predator ready in case everyone else votes to take care of the oversized chickens.

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Mon Apr 12, 2021 10:11 pm
by Wraith
Location: Warehouse Complex, Tacoma, Seattle Metroplex
Condition: Bruised a smidge (3 Stun, -1 die)

Wraith had followed Shrike into the building, keeping an eye on their rear and checking any adjacent room to where they end up, just in case - while they'd been told that their contact would be the only one present, she knew better than to trust anonymous sources.

Once the package is in Shrikes hands, she salutes the old dude (to her eyes) while flashing a smile. "<Oyasuminasai>," the foxelf chirps to his retreating form, tone surprisingly cheerful. With that, she turns away and slips back outside, into the rain and just in time to hear the shriek of the (assumed) cockatrice. "<Mahou no niwatori>?!" Wraith gasps as the sound dies away, back-peddling slowly from the two beasts.
Mulpa wrote:"No need for us to fight these oversized chickens. Lets get out of here, finish this run, and get paid. These chickens look like they will take care of the elves... as well as perhaps the dog corpses. I say we leave now."
A nod from the foxelf at Mulpa's words, going to a defensive crouch as she eyes the beasts. "I must agree, no need to risk another engagement if it is unnecessary," Wraith replies over their comms. "<Kodzutsumi ga temoto>; besides, there may be more trouble on it's way."

Figuring that their method in would be the quickest and easiest way out, the foxelf starts to move in that direction, making a point to keep an eye on the beasts and providing cover for her teammates.

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Thu Apr 15, 2021 5:01 pm
by Shrike
Condition - fine
Location - Warehouse
Muppet Man wrote: Sun Apr 11, 2021 2:48 pm "I got it, I got, just a sec, okay? No worries..." he says, the pleading continues as he ducks back inside the room. Shrike can hear the clang of a heavy door opening. It only takes about 20 seconds for the guy to return with a small metal box. It's the size of a shoe box, but it looks heavy and well secured. A large metal strap across the top holds it closed with stout looking lock and hasp. It is worn and somewhat dented. He slides it across the floor, it makes it about halfway to Shrike. Without another word, the guy ducks back into his office and slams the door shut. Transaction complete.
Shrike salutes the man, though not with the sharpness he would have had when still in the UCAS Armed Forces. He scoops up the package, holding it in his left arm, whilst keeping his Ingram ready for further trouble. As Wraith speaks Japanese to the retreating Orc, he makes a mental note of it, but shows no sign that he understood what she said.

As he sees the giant chickens, Shrike grunts, holding back some swearing.
Frak, no going out the way we came in without a fight.
Mulpa wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:31 am "No need for us to fight these oversized chickens. Lets get out of here, finish this run, and get paid. These chickens look like they will take care of the elves... as well as perhaps the dog corpses. I say we leave now."
Shrike stops to look over the situation. Internally, Shrike was torn by this; yes the elves had been foes, but being eaten alive by these creatures, that was no way to go. Maybe they wouldn't have received the same treatment from their downed rivals in the same situation considering the one he'd shot that had called him a race traitor, but that didn't mean they had to act all callous. As cybered up as he was, he was still had humanity ... elfinity, no that just sounded stupid. The one that was shot looked to be a gonner, but the others could be saved. He'd rather have a rep for saving people than be a callous killer.

Frak, you know what you are going to do. Just do it. Maybe some of the others will help.

"No reason to kill them if we don't have to. Wraith, take the package," he passes the foxelf the package they had been hired to collect, swaps hand for carrying the Ingram and grabs one of the unconscious elves by the collar with his cyber hand, "drag them outside the perimeter as we leave. Not letting them get eaten, but once we're outside, they are on their own."

He drags the elf over to the wall that the rival Runners accessed the site by and stowing his Ingram, figures out the best way to get over with the unconscious elf. If he shimmied up the wall, he could then reach down and drag the body up.

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2021 7:48 pm
by Muppet Man
Soundtrack wrote:I've got the brains//You've got the looks//Let's make lots of money//You've got the brawn//I've got the brains//Let's make lots of money
TIME STAMP wrote: //Location:Tacoma/Seattle Metroplex/UCAS
//Time: <2300:00/2075-01-05> Combat round OVER
//Weather: <Heavy Downpour, 5.6C, Wind SE 22kph, feels like 0C>
//Air Quality: <Moderate (Yellow), Precipitation pH 3>
Bushwack scares the chicken creatures back into the building, giving the rest of the team enough time to escape over the north wall, using the elf opposition's ingress method as their egress.

Shrike, being a dutiful samurai convinces his team to throw the elves over the fence too, the idea to deprive the chickens of easy chicken food. Shrike's internal debate did not seem to occur to anyone else, but nonetheless everyone pitches in.

Mulpa lends a hand but keeps an eye out for the predatory birds or any other threats. There are distant sirens. Aircraft dot the sky, coming and going. But none seem to at this moment be heading towards the warehouse complex.

Wraith also watches the area for danger, similarly finds (suspiciously maybe) none. They are clear.

Heaving the elves over the fence is an easy task for a team of runners and with just a couple minutes everyone is on the outside.

The bear shaman and dwarf adept left protecting the team's original infiltration point are long gone, they must have gotten spooked. They must have turned tail and run, there is no answer. Fewer splits in the profits then.

The team vanishes into the night, blending into the shadows. It was an easy run, easy as any other.


The drop for the package goes according to plan. After a short tense moment, it's verified and soon everyone's commlink beeps with happy "I''ve been
7,000 nuyen per contract
" sound. They also receive a follow up message:

"You completed your introductory task to my satisfaction. Meet me at
address is tagged, its in Tacoma also
10pm, January 14 and we can discuss future contracts. - E. Hoffner"
One week of downtime before big Meet with Mr J in Person
What are you doing?

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2021 4:27 am
by Wraith
Location(s): Warehouse complex in Tacoma, Seattle - later, package drop area.
Condition: Still mildly bruised (3 stun, -1 die)

Wraith lacks the strength to haul the unconscious or dying bodies up over the fence, so she plays an overwatch role - the foxelf scales the north wall then shifts to the side to give the others space while still giving her a wide angle view of the area. The rain was more than an irritant at this point, particularly with how soggy her tail had gotten but she keeps that to herself.

Wraith did not really have any opinion one way or another regarding the lives of the other team - some might call that lacking empathy, which it might be to an extent, but she looked at it more practically - dealing with the unconscious elves slowed them down and could have put them into a position to be caught by security or authorities.

Fortunately, that doesn't happen, and no other surprises pop up - once the rest of the team is over the fence she hops down (ooc: yay Freefall skill!) and follows after, keeping the box tucked beneath her jacket; if one of the others requests her to hand it over though, Wraith will. Additionally, the youthful shadowrunner will take the time to circle around to the south side of the warehouse to pick up her courier bag, that she'd stowed in the alleyway.

Since the drop went uneventfully, and the appropriate feed had been transferred to her (via two separate transfers, set up by her cousin) the foxelf takes leave of the others, giving each of them (or all of them as a group) a polite but friendly bow before vanishing into the night.

"<Yoroshikuonegaishimasu>*. It was good to work with you all again."

Although she craved the warmth and comfort of her own bed, Wraith decided to avoid going directly back, instead finding a capsule motel in the southern part of the downtown core for the night. The foxelf teen manages to find a 'nicer' such location, one with showers and even (relatively) primitive laundry facilities. After spending an hour or so dealing with various shower-and-laundry based activities, Wraith spends another hour winding down in her locked capsule - sending off vague but positive messages to her cousin (contact: Shiori Ishikawa) and the fixer that set the job up, then a less vague but just as positive message to her housemate, before finally reviewing the events of the night.

Eventually, she does sleep. Capsule motels are not the most comfortable places, so the rest is sub-par. With the advantage of a sleep regulator, Wraith is able to be back up and able to go in just barely five hours. After collecting up her freshly-dried clothing and leaving a small tip to the night attend, the foxelf once again vanishes into the night (no purple smoke!) - the teen does stay Downtown, heading to her cousin's high-rise home.

Translation notes
*Yoroshiku is sometimes/frequently translated as 'Nice to meet you', depending on what you use to translate it, but it would more accurately be understood as 'Best regard', or 'Please remember me' or 'Please treat/remember me favorably'.

Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Posted: Sat May 15, 2021 7:55 am
by Tulpa
Tulpa continues his uncoordinated spray of bullets, doing his best to lay low the self runners while not hitting his team. Take that, and that, and that! Fuck! Tulpa cries at a near miss. He falls back around some heavier cover, risking a peek every second or so, looking for a clear target in the mayhem.

Not finding another target, Tulpa breathes a breath of relief. He takes a half step out of cover and ’s in the process of removing his combat mask when the whirl of the drone enters back into his conscious. ”Fuck”[ He slides his mask back down and looks up, for the drone.

Still in a daze, Tulpa moves to cover Mulpa as he searches the other team. ”That was..” His sentence wanders off as some lights distract him. ”We are alive. That’s good.” He says looking back to MUlpa, as if he hadn’t seen the dwarf in some time.
Mulpa wrote: Mon Apr 12, 2021 4:31 am "No need for us to fight these oversized chickens. Lets get out of here, finish this run, and get paid. These chickens look like they will take care of the elves... as well as perhaps the dog corpses. I say we leave now."
Tulpa looks around the area and nods slowly- it is aparent the decker is regaining his coherence after a small moment of dissociation.

As the team makes their escape and begins to settle down, Tulpa checks his accounts and sees the money from the knob is there. ”Not much. But it will do.”[/b] He holds his backpack preciously, thinking of the reig he has acquired inside. ”Maybe things are looking up Tulpa.” He says to himself.

Tulpa posts a message to the team before eliminating the slave he had tied to each of their comms systems. It reads: Smooth run. I look forward to working with you again. You know how to find me. He disconnects the teams comms network. Only then does he realize Mulpa is the only one who knows how to find me… Tulpa shrugs. He could find them he feels confidently.