Shadowrun: It's the Joint

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Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Post by Bushwack »

Bushwack is poised for action.

4d6+14: [ 3 5 6 6 ] +14 = 34

"Time to prove I'm more than just a pretty face. I Got none of that fancy cyberware to suppress a barghest's howl but you know a bit of self confidence and intimidation goes a long way and its time to make myself a target so the squishies don't get butthurt" he thinks.

He switches on his modified Noizquito and blasts out an old favorite to draw the attention of beasties and opponent runners.

He charges the closest Barghest and attempts to clothesline the critter with his cyberspur synchronised with the opening scream.
21d6>4: [ 1 3 2 4 3 4 3 1 1 2 5 6 6 1 6 5 1 6 6 3 4 ] = 7

8 agility from cyberarm + 6 skill unarmed, +2 specialisation cyberspurs, +3 weapon focus cyberspur +2 charge

14 damage 2 Armour penetration from the spur + net hits. Damage however is stun because, that is one of the things that sweep attack does, it turns a lethal weapon attack into stun damage

Bushwack will take full defense upon the first attack he receives assuming his teammates are still hiding and the animals and opposing team might identify 500+ pounds of charging troll as a threat and it its possibly not just one attack that is coming his way :lol:

Baron Munchkinhausen#4543 on Discord

Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 1
Edge: 4/4
Surprise: 14 Composure: 6 Judge Intentions: 7 Memory: 7

Pos: Acr. Defender (use gymnastics on full defense), mentor spirit bear, natural athlete (+2 gymnastics), Catlike (+2 stealth)
Neg: In dept (2), no man left behind, incompetent firearms, poor self control (thrillseeker), combat junkie

Etiquette 6
Gymmastics 14
Perception 11 (14 visual: tetrachromatic vision bioware), (thermographic vision: Troll), (combat sense adept power:always get perception roll to not be surprised)
Pilot ground craft 10
sneaking 11 (13 urban)

English (N)
Russian: 8

Know skills
Seattle gangs: 9
Seattle Criminal Organisations: 8
Seattlle Ork Underground: 9

combat offensive
Initiative 13 (poor self control thrill seeker +1)=14+4d6
unarmed 9 dice -7S
Spur 16 dice ACC 9 +1 reach 16 DAM choose S/P with sweep) AP -2 (19 if weapon focus is activated as a simple action), (wireless activation of spur is a free action
Throwing shuriken 16 dice 9 ACC - 14 AP -1
Throwing shuriken with called shot pin 12 dice. same but pins target if armor penetrated

Combat Defensive
Ranged / Melee Defense 14 (Rea 8 + Int 5 + Combat Sense 1)
Full Defense 14 +11 (gymnastics 6, natural athlete 2, skeletal pneumasticisty 2, reflex recorder 1)=25

"Heavy" Damage Resitance: body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3, Big Game Hunter Coat + gel packs 16, bike racing helmet 2, PPP legs 1, PPP Arms 1, Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 30
"Uptown swag": body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3 Vashion Steampunk 10 synergist longocat 3 Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 23
"Blend" Damage Resitance: body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3, Armor jacket 12, bike racing helmet 2, Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 24

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Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Post by Shrike »

Starting to wish I'd brought heavier firepower. Let the Barghest attack the invisible runners, deal with what I can see. Bushwhack can deal with the other one. These thoughts pass through Shrike's mind as his body speeds up thanks his wired reflexes

"Wraith, Tulpa, get moving and get that door open! We'll cover you!" He barks some orders as his smartgun link focuses on the newly revealed Runner and his ingram smartgun spits multiple bursts of silenced gel rounds. He remains as much as possible behind the corner of the building using it for cover.

22 8s plus successes. If number of damage boxes received on hit exceed physical limit-2, person is knocked down
12 8s plus successes. If number of damage boxes received on hit exceed physical limit-2, person is knocked down
2 8s plus successes. If number of damage boxes received on hit exceed physical limit-2, person is knocked down

If the runner goes down, Shrike will shoot the Barghest fighting Bushwhack if somehow it is still standing, then at any other targets that present themselves. Priority goes to the mage that is present somewhere.
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Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Post by Mulpa »

Initiative 11
Hmmm... I think that the whole team won't be mages... there has to be one or two holding up all of the Invisibility. I am thinking the one on the far right is a good one to aim at, since Shrike's shot to him made this one visible... I am sure someone else will shoot at the visible one.
Resisting Invisibility
If Mana (Base Invisibility): 9 Dice
If Physical: 8 Dice
Initiative 11
  • Move to beside Tulpa in the crane's base, Take Cover (Simple Action), Shoot at the Invisible Target at the far right, unless a different one becomes visible to him... or a Mage looking one appears to him at all
    • Shooting (10 pool, +1 Gear Smartlink, -6 Blind Shot = 5)
      • If Visible, additional
      Damage 8P, -1 AP, additional -4 AP for APDS ammo
Initiative 1
  • Take 2 shots (Each a Simple Action) from cover at the opposing Runners (Same priority as above)
    • Shot 1
      • Shooting (10 pool, +1 Gear Smartlink, -6 Blind Shot = 5)
          • If Visible, additional
          Damage 8P, -1 AP, additional -4 AP for APDS ammo
      Shot 2
      • Shooting (10 pool, +1 Gear Smartlink, -6 Blind Shot = 5)
          • If Visible, additional
        Damage 8P, -1 AP, additional -4 AP for APDS ammo
Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: -1

Current Edge: 1/2

Perception: 11 (Thermographic Vision, +2 Vision if Wearing Glasses)
  • Passive Perception 2, With Glasses, Visual Perception 3
Body: 8
Armor: 11 (13 with Helmet)
Dodge: 13
Parry: 13
Composure: 9
Judge Intentions: 8

Ammunition: Shock Gloves 9/10
Predator: 9/15

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Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

Post by Tulpa »

  • Armor: 14(11)
  • Remington Suppressor: 15/15 Hollow Point
  • Cram: +2 Reaction
  • Cram:+2d6 Initiative
  • Psyche:+2 Intuition
  • Psyche:+2 Logic
  • Psyche:+ 2 Mental Limit
  • Drug Duration: 9 Hours

”Well that feeling sucks.” Tulpa complains at his now wet sock and soaking shoe. He cuts his complaint short as he remembers his place. His allies seem to slow down as the deckers own internal systems begin fighting back against the drug cocktail he had inhaled nearly half an hour ago now. Just as fast, he snaps back into the moment- the sound of rotors drawing him to the immediate situation.
”Watch it! We have airborne contacts!”

Tulpa looks to Mulpa and sees him focusing on the incoming targets. ”I got your back.” He says through his own ballistic mask. He holds his pistol in a two handed grip, lowered to the ground for now.

: 23
  • Semi-Automatic Burst: Complex Action: [/roll] | VS -2 Def | 8P Damage, +1 armor (-3 bullets)
: Seeing Mulpa shoot at unseen targets, Tulpa will take his first action to shoot a spray of gunfire from his machine pistol at the now visible shadowrunner. ”Hah!”

  • Semi Auto: Simple Action: [/roll] | If visible, add:[/roll]| 8P damage
  • Take Cover: Simple Action
    : Tulpa will scream, enjoying the additional adrenalin shooting his gun and being shot at was giving his system. ”Take That!” He lets loose another shot before coming to his senses. He aims at his original target if it is still standing, or at either another visible target or where he thinks one of the invisible ones might be.
    ”Oh, Shit.” Tulpa realizes he is somewhat exposed and takes cover behind the crane’s leg he is next to.

    • Aimed Burst: Complex Action: [/roll]| If Visible add: | 9P damage

    Tulpa will lean around his cover and take a moment to set up an aimed burst on either a visible target, or where he thinks an invisible figure may be and let loose another three round burst from his machine pistol, in somewhat more control of his faculties.
    Street Cred: 0 | Notoriety: 2
    Perception: 7 [9] (No modifiers)

    Body: 3
    Armor: +11 (+2 w/ Ballistic Mask)
    Dodge: +1
    Parry: +1

    Composure: 8
    Judge Intentions: 9

    Attack: 0 |Sleaze: 6 (+2 programs)
    Data Processing: 2 | Firewall:2
    Device Rating: 2 | Matrix DR: 4
    Noise Reduction: 3 (+1[+2/-1] programs + dongle)

    Active Programs: N/A (Datajack Plus: Signal Scrub, Smoke-and-Mirrors, Stealth)
    Active Dongle: Reciever
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    Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

    Post by Wraith »

    Location: Warehouse complex
    Condition: Lightly bruised (3 Stun, -1die)


    Wraith risks a quick look in the direction that Shrike fired, taking note of the opposition 'Runner making an appearance. Trusting the rest of the team to take care of things, though, she darts east-wards towards the locked door that is her target.

    Once there the foxelf crouches to reduce her profile, then begins to examine the lock - if its a physical lock, she pulls out whatever device seems most appropriate to the situation and gets to work on it.

    OOC Comments
    I'm assuming that between the distance and the time taken to examine the lock, that if it's a lock she can deal with, she won't be able to start until next round so will forego any rolls for now. Wraith has actual lockpicks, an autopicker and a sequencer, along with a survival knife if brute force is needed to access a panel or whatnot.
    Current Health Status: 3 Stun boxes (-1CM)
    Alyfox#0371 on Discord
    Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 1
    Distinctive Style: fox ears, fox tail (both black furred)

    Perception: 10 base (+2 to each Audio, Visual, Scent. Low-light, Thermal)

    Edge: 2/2 Body: 3 Armor: 8 (9 with forearm guards)
    Ranged Defense - (Passive) 9 (Full) 12
    Melee Defense - (Passive) 9 (Block) 13 (Dodge) 14 (Parry) 13
    Surprise: 9 Composure: 6 Judge Intentions: 7 Memory: 6
    Languages Known: English (N), Japanese (N), Mandarin (6), Spanish (6)
    Cheap Commlink DR: 1 Pulse Wave Commlink DR: 6
    Wireless PAN is through the Pulse Wave
    "Dark Blue Text" - Voice-comms
    >>Green Text<< Text-based communication
    "Pink Text" - real voice
    < > Not English
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    Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

    Post by Muppet Man »

    Soundtrack wrote: I must've been high//I know they look and tell//I must've have been high
    TIME STAMP wrote: //Location:Tacoma/Seattle Metroplex/UCAS
    //Time: <2245:45/2075-01-05> Combat round 2
    //Weather: <Heavy Downpour, 5.6C, Wind SE 22kph, feels like 0C>
    //Air Quality: <Moderate (Yellow), Precipitation pH 3>
    Zowee! Zip! Zop! Zap! We got magic, we got bullets, we got Bushwack, we got chaos (no literally, there is chaos).

    Bushwack, faster than everyone by far, even the terrible elf warrior. He smacks the poor doggo hard, the doggo goes down hard with a yelp and a splash. After his smack down he taunts the opposition with his prodigious presence. He attracts a hail of gunfire, one bullet almost comes close to hitting. It took the cherry off his stogy.

    From the corner of the warehouse, Shrike takes precise action, in addition to commanding the situration. Blam blam blam! His first shots against the tough looking elf seem to have little effect, maybe they piss him off.

    Mulpa is calm and precise with his shots, too. His first burst strikes the mystery X, and his hit is revealing: another skinny ass elf pops into view. In return the newly revealed elf quickly casts a spell towards Mulpa and Tulpa. Their world goes chaos just for a moment, but it lasts only moments as the elf dives for cover instead of maintaining the spell. Mulpa's second burst hits the (he must be an angry) elf's attention. The angry elf shoots back with a burst from his assault rifle. The burst takes Mulpa in the armor, but it still hurts!

    The remaining dog erupts in fire, sending a blast towards an invisible enemy. Once on fire, and they are on fire, the newly revealed enemy is probably an elf too. The elf is super mad, like on fire, and he unloads a long burst from his submachinegun right into the poor dog's face. Unlike the humane treatment Bushwack showed his pup, the elf bullets blow through the back of the dog's head.

    Tulpa's drug fueled chaos results in bullets everywhere. One bullet literally pings the elf "tank" in the face. Doesn't do much through the helmet, but still, shocking!

    But wait! You say! What about Wraith? What about the other "X"? Well well well! Wraith makes herself the lowest threat and slinks to the office door where she investigates the lock. Sneaking too, the remaining invisible opponent heads towards the same spot, but he pauses right in front of Shrike -- and Shrike can see the fellow's splish splashy approach.
    Combat Round 2
    Combat Round 2!
    Bushwack Soak 6S
    Mulpa Soak 6S

    What are you doing?
    No one: “I feel like I’ve been here before...”
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    Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

    Post by Bushwack »

    Bushwhack changed the arch of his run towards the mage and with same singularity of purpose as a bull charged the caster getting ready to receive a hail of bullets.

    He liked the planning and the quiet part of the runs well enough, it's just that his contributions seemed more impactful once somebody other than him decided that automatic fire or offensive magic was a solution to a problem. Truth be told he lived to smell the acrid trail of metallic sulpher and the ozone discharged when mages messed with the fabric of reality. There was no thrill quite like it.

    He grinned widely when he attempted to hit mage against the electric fence. SHOWTIME MOFO!

    22d6>4: [ 5 1 4 4 6 1 1 4 3 1 1 5 5 1 2 5 2 6 3 4 4 4 ] = 6

    8 agility from cyberarm + 6 skill unarmed, +2 specialisation cyberspurs, +3 weapon focus cyberspur +2 charge+1 troll reach

    14 + net hits AP 2

    30d6>4: [ 4 6 5 3 6 5 2 6 6 4 6 3 4 1 4 4 4 2 6 6 1 2 5 5 2 2 6 5 5 5 ] = 15

    Baron Munchkinhausen#4543 on Discord

    Street Cred: 0
    Notoriety: 1
    Edge: 4/4
    Surprise: 14 Composure: 6 Judge Intentions: 7 Memory: 7

    Pos: Acr. Defender (use gymnastics on full defense), mentor spirit bear, natural athlete (+2 gymnastics), Catlike (+2 stealth)
    Neg: In dept (2), no man left behind, incompetent firearms, poor self control (thrillseeker), combat junkie

    Etiquette 6
    Gymmastics 14
    Perception 11 (14 visual: tetrachromatic vision bioware), (thermographic vision: Troll), (combat sense adept power:always get perception roll to not be surprised)
    Pilot ground craft 10
    sneaking 11 (13 urban)

    English (N)
    Russian: 8

    Know skills
    Seattle gangs: 9
    Seattle Criminal Organisations: 8
    Seattlle Ork Underground: 9

    combat offensive
    Initiative 13 (poor self control thrill seeker +1)=14+4d6
    unarmed 9 dice -7S
    Spur 16 dice ACC 9 +1 reach 16 DAM choose S/P with sweep) AP -2 (19 if weapon focus is activated as a simple action), (wireless activation of spur is a free action
    Throwing shuriken 16 dice 9 ACC - 14 AP -1
    Throwing shuriken with called shot pin 12 dice. same but pins target if armor penetrated

    Combat Defensive
    Ranged / Melee Defense 14 (Rea 8 + Int 5 + Combat Sense 1)
    Full Defense 14 +11 (gymnastics 6, natural athlete 2, skeletal pneumasticisty 2, reflex recorder 1)=25

    "Heavy" Damage Resitance: body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3, Big Game Hunter Coat + gel packs 16, bike racing helmet 2, PPP legs 1, PPP Arms 1, Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 30
    "Uptown swag": body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3 Vashion Steampunk 10 synergist longocat 3 Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 23
    "Blend" Damage Resitance: body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3, Armor jacket 12, bike racing helmet 2, Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 24

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    Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

    Post by Mulpa »

    Soak 8/6
    Body (8) + Armour (13) = 21
    Initiative 11
    Aim at the Heavily Armoured Elf (to reset Recoil, +1 die), then Shoot at the Heavily Armoured Elf)
    • Shooting (10 Pool + 1 (Smartlink) + 1 (Aiming) = 12
      Damage 8P, -1 AP, additional -4 AP for APDS ammo + Net Successes
    Initiative 1
    Shoot Twice at Heavily Armoured Dwarf
    • First Shot
      • Shooting (10 Pool + 1 (Smartlink) = 11
        Damage 8P, -1 AP, additional -4 AP for APDS ammo + Net Successes
      Second Shot
      • Shooting (10 Pool + 1 (Smartlink) = 11
        Damage 8P, -1 AP, additional -4 AP for APDS ammo + Net Successes
    Defence Rolls
    Shooting (Note: Still in Cover)
    • Vs. Ranged (Reaction (2) + Intuition (5) = 7)
      • - Glitch
    • None, unless opponent pulls out a monofilament whip, in which case he will Dodge (Costs 5 Initiative)
      • Reaction (2) + Intuition (5) + Gymnastics (6) = 13
    "Иди в баню, Любители!!!"

    With just a grunt in acknowledgement of the bullet impact, Mulpa takes a second to aim before taking three careful shots to the centre of mass of the apparently heavily armoured Elf.

    Stupid tea drinking, tree hugging, pansies! I am thinking our Mr. Johnson may have hired a couple teams to have us compete for his business. Poor Elves, no way they can stand up to Humans, Trolls, and especially Dwarves! I wonder if they were warned of our presence if this was set up as a competition.
    Street Cred: 0
    Notoriety: -1

    Current Edge: 1/2

    Perception: 11 (Thermographic Vision, +2 Vision if Wearing Glasses)
    • Passive Perception 2, With Glasses, Visual Perception 3
    Body: 8
    Armor: 11 (13 with Helmet)
    Dodge: 13
    Parry: 13
    Composure: 9
    Judge Intentions: 8

    Ammunition: Shock Gloves 9/10
    Predator: 9/15

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    Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

    Post by Wraith »

    Location: Warehouse complex, Tacoma, Seattle Metroplex
    Condition: Lightly bruised (3 stun, -1 modifier)

    Initiative (1d6+8):
    GM wrote:But wait! You say! What about Wraith? What about the other "X"? Well well well! Wraith makes herself the lowest threat and slinks to the office door where she investigates the lock.
    'A keypad, this will take some time,' Wraith thinks to herself, examining it for a moment then reaching for her tools. Although seeming focused fully on the lock, the foxelf is doing her best to also keep an ear out on her surroundings, not wanting to get blind-sided by an attack - with her reflexes, even a half-second might be enough to at least get up a defense.

    OOC Comments
    Passive/reactive audio perception (11 dice)
    First off, she pulls out the roll of duct-tape and applies several strips to the keypad, in places where she is most likely to touch while disabling it - although Wraith is wearing light gloves, she doesn't want to take any chances on leaving fingerprints behind. Once that is done, she starts on opening the keypad case itself, using the appropriate tools from her lockpick set.

    "Keypad and maglock. <Sore ni torikunde>," she murmurs over the channel, dropping the polite suffix in favour of expediting the comment. "Let me know if company is heading my way. <Kudasai>."

    OOC Comments
    Perception roll, if necessary, to check for anti-tamper devices (Visual Perception, 11 dice)

    Extended Lockpicking check to open Keypad casing (Locksmith + agility vs maglock rating x 2, 1 combat turn) (9 dice)
    Current Health Status: 3 Stun boxes (-1CM)
    Alyfox#0371 on Discord
    Street Cred: 0 Notoriety: 1
    Distinctive Style: fox ears, fox tail (both black furred)

    Perception: 10 base (+2 to each Audio, Visual, Scent. Low-light, Thermal)

    Edge: 2/2 Body: 3 Armor: 8 (9 with forearm guards)
    Ranged Defense - (Passive) 9 (Full) 12
    Melee Defense - (Passive) 9 (Block) 13 (Dodge) 14 (Parry) 13
    Surprise: 9 Composure: 6 Judge Intentions: 7 Memory: 6
    Languages Known: English (N), Japanese (N), Mandarin (6), Spanish (6)
    Cheap Commlink DR: 1 Pulse Wave Commlink DR: 6
    Wireless PAN is through the Pulse Wave
    "Dark Blue Text" - Voice-comms
    >>Green Text<< Text-based communication
    "Pink Text" - real voice
    < > Not English
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    Re: Shadowrun: It's the Joint

    Post by Shrike »


    As Shrike notices the footsteps in the rain, it diverts his attention to protect Wraith.

    Trying to sneak past whilst your frakking idiot team turns the place into a DMZ eh chummer. Nice try but no cigar Shrike smirks to himself as he turns his Ingram Smartgun to the position where the sole remaining invisible runner is and opens fire with a burst

    Phase 1 18
    3 rnd burst - 6 for invisible, +2 for smartgun
    8S (Gel rounds) plus additional hits, -2 to defense if struck, physical limit -2 to resist knockdown,

    Phase 2 8

    3 rnd burst
    8S (Gel rounds) plus additional hits, -2 to defense if struck, physical limit -2 to resist knockdown,