Chapter One: Most...Interesting Imposters in History

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Re: Chapter One: Most...Interesting Imposters in History

Post by Stygge »

Glad I've got a team with some actual smarts. And a big guy who can actually move.

Stygge gives a thumbs up to Shrike as a way of indicating her approval of the plan. "You sure you'll be OK driving in this weather?" she asks him as she looks for cover.

That message from Silhouette plays on her mind. While she isn't 100% sure what the hacker is trying to say, the way it abruptly cut off makes her think they're in a sticky situation themselves. Stygge hopes she'll have time to help them out after dealing with the situation in front of her as she points her submachine gun (with a clip full of gel rounds of course) at the nearest adversary.
Last edited by Stygge on Fri Nov 05, 2021 6:59 am, edited 1 time in total.
  • Visual: 11 since vision enhancement in cybereyes has wireless mode on
  • Audio: 11 since audio enhancement in cyberears has wireless mode on
  • Otherwise: 8
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Re: Chapter One: Most...Interesting Imposters in History

Post by Bushwack »

Bushwack jumps down the elevator shaft, summersaulting for the sheer hell of while puffing on his cigar, landing on the elevator, no doubt bending some metal and making some noise and then tries to force open the fire escape hatch through brute force, throwing it away unceremoniously if succesful.
OOC Comments
Athletics 14d6<4: [ 6 4 4 1 3 6 2 6 3 1 2 4 6 5 ] = 6

Strength roll (cyberarm)
13d6>4: [ 6 3 6 5 4 2 6 6 6 3 3 4 4 ] = 6
He sticks his head through the opened hatch if succesful

"Heeere's Johnny." He grins scanning the elevator

Baron Munchkinhausen#4543 on Discord

Street Cred: 0
Notoriety: 1
Edge: 4/4
Surprise: 14 Composure: 6 Judge Intentions: 7 Memory: 7

Pos: Acr. Defender (use gymnastics on full defense), mentor spirit bear, natural athlete (+2 gymnastics), Catlike (+2 stealth)
Neg: In dept (2), no man left behind, incompetent firearms, poor self control (thrillseeker), combat junkie

Etiquette 6
Gymmastics 14
Perception 11 (14 visual: tetrachromatic vision bioware), (thermographic vision: Troll), (combat sense adept power:always get perception roll to not be surprised)
Pilot ground craft 10
sneaking 11 (13 urban)

English (N)
Russian: 8

Know skills
Seattle gangs: 9
Seattle Criminal Organisations: 8
Seattlle Ork Underground: 9

combat offensive
Initiative 13 (poor self control thrill seeker +1)=14+4d6
unarmed 9 dice -7S
Spur 16 dice ACC 9 +1 reach 16 DAM choose S/P with sweep) AP -2 (19 if weapon focus is activated as a simple action), (wireless activation of spur is a free action
Throwing shuriken 16 dice 9 ACC - 14 AP -1
Throwing shuriken with called shot pin 12 dice. same but pins target if armor penetrated

Combat Defensive
Ranged / Melee Defense 14 (Rea 8 + Int 5 + Combat Sense 1)
Full Defense 14 +11 (gymnastics 6, natural athlete 2, skeletal pneumasticisty 2, reflex recorder 1)=25

"Heavy" Damage Resitance: body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3, Big Game Hunter Coat + gel packs 16, bike racing helmet 2, PPP legs 1, PPP Arms 1, Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 30
"Uptown swag": body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3 Vashion Steampunk 10 synergist longocat 3 Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 23
"Blend" Damage Resitance: body 5, Troll Dermal 1, Bear Mentor Spirit 2, cyberarm armor 3, Armor jacket 12, bike racing helmet 2, Skeletal pneumasticity -1= 24

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