Languages: Aztlaner Spanish N, English N, Japanese 4 (9 [6]), Or'Zet 4 (9 [6])
Qualities: Bilingual, Day Job (2,500¥/month, 20 hrs/week), SINner (Criminal SIN): CAS
. . Bone Density Augmentation (2)
. . Control Rig (2)
. . Cyberears (1) w/ Damper, Sound Link,
New from Renraku, the Translat-Ear allows you to hold a single language knowsoft and provides translation for what you hear with only a one-second delay. While the Translat-Ear isn’t able to assist you to read or speak the language, it provides a vastly cheaper option for translation services than a full skilljack. Renraku happily provides Matrix storage for all of your linguasofts, allowing you to wirelessly access them at will, but reminds you that their Babel service is even handier! Wireless: Translat-Ear: You can switch between any linguasofts you own as a Simple Action. In addition, if you subscribe to a wireless skillsoft service, you may switch between all languages as normal (see Chrome and Flesh p. 78).
Cafe Bandit was born in Texas and ran with a crew of shadowrunners for a while there, getting a good start as a rigger. Until he was caught. He served time and part of that was workplace rehabilitation. There he learned how to make coffee and considered going legit. He actually got himself set up legitimately, but the life kept calling him back. but he loves serving coffee to the wage slaves and cops and still does so as often as he can.
Condition Monitor (Matrix): 10 Device Rating: 3 Data Processing: 4, Firewall: 4 Noise Reduction (current): 4, Sharing (current): 1 Matrix Initiative: 9 Matrix DR: 7 (7 vs. Black IC) Modifications: Biomonitor, Sim Module, Modified for Hot Sim Programs (1/1): Signal Scrub
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Meta Link Commlink [used for Shadowrunning contacts]
Condition Monitor (Matrix): 9 Device Rating: 1 Data Processing: 1, Firewall: 1 Matrix Initiative: 6 Matrix DR: 2 (4 vs. Black IC) Programs (1/1): Diagnostics
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Meta Link Commlink [used for Shadowrunning contacts; backup, burner]
Condition Monitor (Matrix): 9 Device Rating: 1 Data Processing: 1, Firewall: 1 Matrix Initiative: 6 Matrix DR: 2 (4 vs. Black IC) Programs (1/1): Diagnostics
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Meta Link Commlink [used for Shadowrunning contacts; backup, burner]
Condition Monitor (Matrix): 9 Device Rating: 1 Data Processing: 1, Firewall: 1 Matrix Initiative: 6 Matrix DR: 2 (4 vs. Black IC) Programs (1/1): Diagnostics
. . Actioneer Business Clothes w/ Chemical Protection (2), Concealed Pockets, Electrochromic Modification, Nonconductivity (2), Tag Eraser
Wireless: Concealable Holster : Wireless sensors and a smart-fabric coated weave allow the holster to alter color and texture in real time adding an additional -1 to the item's Concealability. Tag Eraser: The tag eraser recharges fully in an hour by induction. Electrochromic Modification: Changing your clothes' settings is a Free Action, and while it's not good enough to be camouflage, it can display images, text files, or flat video from your commlink.
. . Ballistic Mask w/ Gas Mask, Sensor Array (3) [Atmosphere Sensor, Camera, Directional Microphone, Laser Microphone, Radio Signal Scanner]
Wireless: Gas Mask : The gas mask analyzes and gives you information about the surrounding air that you're not breathing. Sensor Array: Radio Signal Scanner : You may substitute the scanner's Rating for your Electronic Warfare skill when you use it
. . Industrious Armored Jump Suitw/ AR Gloves, Concealable Holster, Electrochromic Modification, Gear Access, Increase Social Limit by 1, Tag Eraser
. . Urban Explorer Jumpsuit w/ AR Gloves, Chemical Protection (2), Concealable Holster, Concealed Pockets, Electrochromic Modification, Tag Eraser Wireless: Concealable Holster : Wireless sensors and a smart-fabric coated weave allow the holster to alter color and texture in real time adding an additional -1 to the item's Concealability. Tag Eraser: The tag eraser recharges fully in an hour by induction. Electrochromic Modification: Changing your clothes' settings is a Free Action, and while it's not good enough to be camouflage, it can display images, text files, or flat video from your commlink.
. . Ares Crusader II [Machine Pistol, Acc 8, DV 7S, AP +1, SA/BF, RC 2, 40 (c)] w/ Extended Clip (1), Gas-Vent System (2), (40x) Gel Rounds, Melee Hardening, Personalized Grip, Silencer/Suppressor, Smartgun System, Internal, (6x) Spare Clips
Wireless: The weapon displays an ARO that tells you ammo levels and ammo type loaded. If you have a DNI, you get two additional benefits. First, ejecting a clip (for weapons that have them) is a Free Action rather than a Simple Action. Second, changing fire modes (on models that have more than one) is a Free Action rather than a Simple Action. Silencer/Suppressor: The silencer/suppressor features a Rating 2 microphone with Rating 2 Select Sound Filter and simple software that alerts you via AR if your silencer detects the sound of someone nearby reacting to the sound of the silenced weapon. Smartgun System, Internal: A wireless smartlink provides a dice pool bonus to all attacks with the weapon: +1 if you're using gear with a smartlink or +2 if you're using an augmentation for which you paid Essence. Ejecting a clip and changing fire modes are Free Actions.
. . Ingram Smartgun X [SMG, Acc 7, DV 8P, AP –, BF/FA, RC 2(3), 32 (c)] w/ Folding Stock, Gas-Vent System (2), Melee Hardening, Personalized Grip, (32x) Regular Ammo, Silencer/Suppressor, Sling, Smartgun System, Internal, (10x) Spare Clips
Wireless: The weapon displays an ARO that tells you ammo levels and ammo type loaded. If you have a DNI, you get two additional benefits. First, ejecting a clip (for weapons that have them) is a Free Action rather than a Simple Action. Second, changing fire modes (on models that have more than one) is a Free Action rather than a Simple Action. Silencer/Suppressor: The silencer/suppressor features a Rating 2 microphone with Rating 2 Select Sound Filter and simple software that alerts you via AR if your silencer detects the sound of someone nearby reacting to the sound of the silenced weapon. Smartgun System, Internal: A wireless smartlink provides a dice pool bonus to all attacks with the weapon: +1 if you're using gear with a smartlink or +2 if you're using an augmentation for which you paid Essence. Ejecting a clip and changing fire modes are Free Actions.
. . Gel Rounds (Machine Pistol) x240 [Acc 0, DV +0S, AP +1]
. . Regular Ammo (SMG) x160 [Acc 0, DV –, AP –]
Micro-Tranceiver with Subvocal Microphone: This classic short-range communicator has been favored by professional operatives since the 2050s. It doesn't do anything special, it just lets you communicate by voice with other micro-transceivers and commlinks that you (and the other person) choose, within a kilometer. The micro-transceiver consists of an ear bud and an adhesive subvocal microphone (p. 439), both of which are commonly available in hard-to-spot designs.
Wireless: The micro-transceiver's range becomes worldwide.
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Smart Wig: Designed for fashion, but immensely useful for clandestine operations. This wig can change color, curl or straighten, lengthen or shorten, and shift to a number of preprogrammed hairstyles on command. The wig can transform to any of four styles as a standard action. Wireless bonus: The wig can transform to any style which can be downloaded from any of several Matrix databases offering basic styles for free and
styles worn by famous people offered at premium prices. You can also design your own styles with a Software+Logic [Mental] Test and use them yourself or post them online. Be advised, copying and uploading any trademarked “pay-only” style can cause considerable legal backlash.
Voice Warper (4): This device ilters and warps your voice so that you cannot be recognized by individuals or voice recognition software. The dice pool bonus in resisting such tests is equal to the device Rating. Increases your limit on Intimidation Tests by 1.
"Control to HTR Team Alpha. Priority target in Building 1, Seattle Downtown. Images incoming."